"Pursuing Opportunities"

Hilary's Interview on How the Leadership & Employability Training Has Improved Her Life
How has Leadership and Employability Training improved your life?
I learned the importance of speaking up for myself and how important self-love is. I learned that self-care is really important and it’s a way to recharge yourself. Painting and writing are my ways to care for myself.
How has the training helped you to improve your relationships with your family and community?
The program has helped me to better my relationship with my mom. I learned to diffuse a situation and stop arguments before they happen. It also taught me to see the other side’s opinions and viewpoints on things. As for my community, I learned to give back and not just take from it.
How has the training helped to increase your career opportunities?
Before the training, I didn’t think I was qualified to do certain jobs. Now I see I am qualified. I learned to be more outgoing in pursuing opportunities and now I apply to jobs that I didn’t think would accept me.
How has the training assisted you in your current occupation as a program leader?
I learned that I have to take jobs that will provide me with the skills that I need for my future career. Right now, I am working with kids and doing assistant administrative duties. The work I am doing right now is important because it will help me further down the road.
Hilary is currently employed at Think Together.
Future Prospects: Hilary anticipates starting college in the fall and studying English. She wants to pursue a career as an editor.

Los Angeles
“I am now more confident doing interviews.”
Leadership and Employability Training has helped me to recognize that I have a lot of strengths that I didn’t realize before, such as being very organized and being good at planning events. I’m more confident than before. I am confident in what to do when my supervisors assign tasks. I would think I wasn’t qualified to do the job or complete the task. I am now more confident doing interviews. I know how to present myself better. I also realized that I have a strong work ethic.
I have learned that I need self-care to pursue and fulfill my goals. Now, I set goals every week to improve my skills and gain knowledge, such as attending a grant writing workshop.
Eunice is a graduate student at Azusa Pacific and is expected to graduate in 2020, with a Masters of Social Work. Upon completing the Leadership and Employability Training, Eunice has received a promotion with The Salvation Army in Oakland Chinatown, where she co-created and spearheaded the “Let’s Fight COVID-19 Together” campaign, an initiative that raised monetary donations and medical supplies to support First Responders. She is also responsible for assisting with fundraising, outreach, and program planning. She has also been accepted to an internship with Partners in Care Foundation – Health Self-Management Services.
UPDATE: Post graduating from Azusa Pacific with a Masters of Social Work, Eunice has accepted a position with Alta Med as a social worker.

Courtney's Interview on How the Leadership & Employability Training Has Changed Her Life
How has Leadership and Employability Training impacted your personal life?
I am more aware of who I am and how I am. I have had a pleasant experience, but I have had my challenges along the way. It’s given me a push to do more, pushing me in the right direction. Leadership and Employability training has helped me to get my priorities together and stay on track. It has helped me to enroll in a high school program and stick with completing my high school diploma.
How has the training impacted your relationship with how you interact with your family?
My living environment with my family is much more peaceful and calm before it was very chaotic. I am more aware of my capabilities and limitations. I am more comfortable in expressing myself. My words are more effective. I am a better communicator with my daughters and have been able to pass along what I have learned to my daughters, such as self-respect and taking care of their bodies. Now, my mother even encourages and engages my daughters when she sees me teaching them. My kids are more receptive to me now. They take the initiative to do more chores around the house, and they pay more attention to things going on in the media and make choices to not engage in destructive behavior. Their awareness shows me that they are watching me and that I am on the right track. So I am going to keep moving forward.
How has the training impacted your view and rapport with your community? Since doing the Passion Project, I have been committed to passing out food to the homeless, and they now know my name. They look forward to receiving food. I love passing out food to people in need and saying, “Hello.”
Courtney’s Passion Project consisted of preparing recipes. She combined her love for cooking and helping people to feed the misfortunate in her community.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I don’t know where I’ll be in five years, but I see myself in five years. I am just happy that I have a future. I am so happy that I quit smoking.
When Courtney came to us, she was asked the very same question, but her response was quite different, “I don’t see a future. I am just trying to get through the day. I am tired.”
So where are you right now in life?
I am working on my high school diploma. I’ve learned not to worry. I used to worry so bad that my stomach would be in knots, worrying about what’s going to happen or not happen. The training has put me in a better position, I feel a lot better. I am applying what I’ve learned. I thank God for the good and the bad in my life. I am moving forward.
Courtney is a current client in our program.
UPDATE: In December 2020, while enrolled in Leadership & Employability Training, Courtney graduated with her high school diploma and a certificate Career Certificate in Hospitality & Leisure.